How to Do a Year’s Work in 3 Months

Everyone has 24 hours in a day, right. Right? Imagine 2 people starting with the same idea & ambition. Fast forward a few months, and one of them has turned that idea into a thriving business, while the other is still stuck in developing the product making sure it's perfect for the market. What’s the difference?

Some people take years to achieve what others accomplish in a couple weeks or months.

If you’re a developer looking to build the next big thing, a freelancer juggling multiple projects, or a business developer dying to scale your clients’ portfolio, your ability to maximize productivity is your biggest edge.

Time is Absolutely Relative

Einstein taught us that time is relative. This concept doesn't just apply to physics but  it's equally true in the world of business and development.  Just think about how a person might spend six months stuck in the "idea" phase of their startup, endlessly researching, tweaking, and hesitating. Meanwhile, another person buys a domain, sets up an MVP, gathers feedback, pivots as necessary, and starts acquiring customers—all within two weeks.

In theory, both individuals are working. But if you had to place a bet on who would build the larger, more successful product, your money would likely be on the second person. Why? Because they understand what truly matters and get the most done in minimal time.

Business rewards those who take action, who move forward even when the path isn’t entirely clear. As developers and entrepreneurs, the key isn’t just in the code you write or the plans you make; it’s in the execution.

The Guy Behind Tapilo and Tweet Hunter

Let me introduce you to Tibo, the legend behind two incredibly successful software products: Taplio and Tweet Hunter.

Here’s what Tibo accomplished:

  • He scaled Taplio and Tweet Hunter to over $1 million in ARR even when Twitter’s APIsI  went from free to $42k/mo.
  • Tibo sold the business for EIGHT FIGURES.
  • He owns and typeframes both.
  • His newsletter has 60,000+ subscribers (including me)

And as if all that wasn’t enough, Tibo achieved all of this while balancing his roles as a husband and a father, with baby number two on the way. 
Tibo is a good guy. Be like Tibo!

1. Time > Money?

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that time is infinitely more valuable than money. This mindset shift is like a superpower. Once you start valuing your time above all else, you begin to see the world differently. 

Money usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

If there’s any tool or software that can save me hours of work without losing value then you should not  hesitate to buy it. The productivity boost is worth far more than the price tag. 

Do not be afraid to delegate tasks that you don’t enjoy or that would take too much time. Whether it’s hiring someone to handle administrative work or investing in tools that automate repetitive tasks – always prioritize time-saving solutions.

Let’s consider an example that resonates with developers: Imagine you're working on a complex feature for an app. You know it will take you a full week to write the necessary code from scratch. But then you find a library that costs $50 and does 90% of what you need. It’ll save you five days of work. Would you buy the library?

2. The Anti-Learning Approach to Productivity

We often glorify continuous learning. While learning is crucial, there's a point where it can become counterproductive. I've adopted what I call the "anti-learning" approach to work. No offense to the folks completing linkedin certifications every week, lol.


Honestly it doesn’t mean I avoid learning altogether—far from it. But I focus on implementing what I already know, rather than constantly stacking new knowledge on top of old. The truth is, you already know enough to start making progress. The key is to apply that knowledge effectively.

For instance, I use the same tech stack across all my products. I stick with tools and platforms that I know inside and out, such as SmartLeads for email campaigns  and django for website development. This consistency reduces the time spent learning new systems and allows me to focus on execution. 

3. The Perfect To-Do List

We all use to-do lists, here’s how to improve them: The key to a productive to-do list is breaking down tasks into manageable, daily chunks. Here's the golden rule: Never go to bed with unfinished tasks.

To achieve this, follow these steps:

  1. Break down large tasks into smaller, actionable items
  2. Ensure each task is something you can realistically complete in a day
  3. Be specific about what needs to be done
  4. Prioritize your tasks

For example, instead of "Build user authentication system" your to-do list should look like this:

  • Set up users model in database
  • Create registration form UI and validation
  • Write backend route and controller for user registration
  • Test user registration flow and deploy

This approach also has a psychological benefit. Completing tasks gives you a sense of accomplishment, which fuels your motivation to keep going. The more tasks you complete, the more progress you see, and the more you want to continue. It’s a positive feedback loop that drives productivity.

4. Building the A-Team

Your productivity is directly influenced by the people you work with. As the saying goes, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." This applies to your work environment too.

  • Hire smart people (generally expensive)
  • Leave them the F alone.

When you hire A-players, they cost 50% more but are 400% more effective. These are people who know what they’re doing and don’t need constant supervision. They take ownership of their work, and they deliver results.

For instance, if you hire a developer at $15/hour, he will take 40 hours to do the task and you will have to spend hours with him back and forth to ensure it’s as per the  requirements. Whereas if you hire a developer at $50/hour, he will probably complete the task in the first iteration and that too in less than 10 hours. 


A-players don’t just do their jobs—they push your entire business forward. They innovate, solve problems, and take your vision to the next level.

5. Say Yes To ‘Figure it Out Later’

Another productivity hack is embracing a "figure it out later" mentality. Your product doesn’t have to be perfect before you ship it. In fact, it probably won’t be. And that’s okay.

  • Airbnb’s  first version had no online payments, no map view, and only worked for conferences. Users slept on air mattresses!
  • Twitch started as a single page broadcasting one person's life 24/7. The initial product was simple, with only one streamer only!
  • Stripe’s  first version, known as /dev/payments, was very basic, with limited features and no direct APIs with banks.

The truth is, most of what you build will fail. So why waste time trying to perfect something that might not even work? Instead, ship it fast, gather feedback, and improve. This approach allows you to learn and adapt quickly, rather than getting stuck in the endless loop of trying to perfect something before it’s even launched.

This means releasing a beta version of your app with minimal features and then iterating based on user feedback. The sooner you get your product in the hands of users, the sooner you can start improving it.

Anti-learning is wrong now? 

Productivity isn't just about churning out work—it's about enjoying the process and making an impact. With clear goals, the right systems in place, a solid mindset, and a great team, productivity becomes a byproduct of the fun and fulfillment you get from your work.

While we talked about the "anti-learning" approach, it's important to note that this doesn't mean you should stop learning altogether. The key is to learn strategically. Focus on deepening your knowledge in your chosen tech stack rather than constantly jumping to new technologies.

Here are some ways to continue learning effectively:

  • Follow thought leaders in your field on social media
  • Attend relevant conferences and meetups
  • Contribute to open-source projects
  • Read technical books and articles that intrigues you
  • Experiment with new features or techniques within your chosen technologies

Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Final Notes

So, how can you achieve in weeks what others take years to do? Start by valuing your time above all else. Invest in tools and people that save you time and make your life easier. Focus on implementing what you already know, and don’t be afraid to ship imperfect products. Build a team of A-players who can take your ideas and run with them. And most importantly, enjoy the journey.

Remember, productivity isn’t just about working harder—it’s about working smarter. It’s about making the most of the time you have and turning your ideas into reality faster than you ever thought possible. So go out there, take action, and start doing in weeks what others do in years. Read this article quick masterclass on How to Build MVP. So go out there, take action, and start doing in weeks what others do in years.