How to Plan and Build a Successful MVP

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP)  is a streamlined version of a product that contains only the core functionalities necessary to solve the primary problem for early adopters. 

MVP allows startups to test their hypotheses and gather valuable feedback without investing significant time and resources in building a full-fledged product. The goal is to launch quickly, learn from user interactions, and iterate based on that feedback.. It's not about perfection; it's about getting something usable into the hands of your potential customers as quickly as possible.

This guide will walk you through the essentials of creating an MVP, helping you avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your path to product-market fit.

How to build MVP ft. YC

The Goal of an MVP

The primary objective of an MVP is to start a conversation with your users. It's not about building the perfect product right out of the gate. Instead, it's about:

  • Getting a product into the market quickly
  • Talking to initial customers
  • Figuring out how to make the product useful
  • Iterating based on real user feedback

This cycle of build, measure, learn is at the heart of the MVP process. It allows you to make informed decisions based on actual user behavior rather than assumptions or hypothetical scenarios.

The Midwit Meme: A Lesson in Startup Strategy

There's a popular meme in the startup world known as the "midwit meme." The person who is the Jedi, the super intelligent founder who is doing all the best things and knows all the best things, and the idiot, the first-time founder, the founder who has no idea what's going on. Many times these two Founders will actually come to the right decision before the founder who is really smart and is trying to work really hard and do everything right.

The lesson? The minimalistic approach is most effective. Don't fall into the trap of “analysis paralysis”. Your MVP doesn't need to be perfect; It's probably not going to work. It's just the best way to start the conversation with the user and how you can solve their problems.

Overcoming MVP Misconceptions

Many founders shy away from the MVP approach due to various misconceptions. Let's address some of these:

"If my first version isn't perfect, users will abandon me."

Reality: Early adopters understand that new products have kinks. They're often excited to be part of the development process. The users who would abandon you after one bad experience aren't your target audience at this stage anyway.

"I need to build the perfect product before launch."

Reality: Even tech giants like Apple didn't start with perfect products. The first iPhone lacked many features we now consider essential. Great products evolve through iteration and user feedback.

"Surveys and user interviews are enough."

Reality: While these can provide insights, they can't replace the learning that comes from actual product usage. Users often don't know what they want until they see and interact with a product.

Examples of Successful MVPs

Let's look at some real-world examples of successful MVPs that started small and grew into industry giants:


The first version had no online payments, no map view, and only worked for conferences. Users had to sleep on air mattresses!

Twitch (originally

It started as a single page broadcasting one person's life 24/7. The initial product was simple, with only one streamer, but it evolved into a leading live streaming platform through continuous iterations.


Stripe's first version, known as /dev/payments, was very basic, with limited features and no direct APIs with banks. Even with these constraints, the founders managed to fill an essential need for accepting credit card payments and grew into a major payment processing platform.

These examples show that your MVP just needs to solve a core problem for a specific group of users.

Who Uses MVP

You might ask yourself, "Who are these people who actually want to use crappy MVPs? You're telling us that they're going to be built fast, they're probably not going to work that well. Who are these early adopters who'd want to go through that experience?" 

Hair on fire analogy depiction

There's this fun analogy: "You want to build your first version for customers who have their hair on fire." So imagine that you are a person and your hair's on fire right now as you're reading this blog on Devswall. Now, imagine if I was sitting in the room next to you. What is the thing that you wish I could sell you to solve this problem? Your hair is currently on fire. Probably most of you will think of some version of a bucket of water, a hose, some kind of water thing. Now, that is a great product. That's like the Apple Vision Pro today. That would solve your problem immediately. 
I don't have that. I'm an entrepreneur. I've got an MVP. What I'm selling is a brick. Now, what would you do if I was selling you a brick? Some of you are like, "Well, I would leave the room; I couldn't use a brick." Your hair's on fire. You would buy that brick!!! You would hit yourself on the head with the brick to smother the fire. That's an MVP. 

It's not the perfect solution, but you are in so much pain as a customer, you will use a non-perfect solution to solve your problem. That's the customer you should be going after.

How to Build Your MVP Quickly

So let's say I've convinced you that now you actually want to build an MVP. How do you make sure you do it quickly? Here are some tricks.

Set a Strict Deadline: Give yourself a short, specific timeframe to complete your MVP. This constraint will force you to focus on essentials.

Write Down Your Specs: List all the features you think are necessary. This will help you stay organized and focused.

Trimming: Go through your list and ruthlessly eliminate anything that isn't absolutely essential for launch.

Don't Fall in Love with Your MVP: Remember, this is just the beginning. Your product will evolve significantly based on user feedback. Don’t get stuck here!

The Learning Process

One of the most important points is that you don't start your startup with all the answers. Building a startup, especially the first phase of building a startup pre-product market fit, is all about learning.Your MVP is the starting point of this learning process. It allows you to:

  • Test your assumptions
  • Gather real user data
  • Identify pain points and opportunities
  • Refine your product vision

Remember, most of the best features in popular products today were discovered after launch, through user feedback and iteration.

Balancing Speed and Quality

While speed is crucial in launching an MVP, it doesn't mean sacrificing quality entirely. Your product should still provide value, even if it's limited in scope. Here are some tips to maintain this balance:

Focus on Core Functionality: Identify the one or two key features that solve your users' main problem. Polish these to a high standard.

Implement Basic Error Handling: Ensure your MVP can gracefully handle common issues to prevent a frustrating user experience.

Prioritize User Experience for Key Flows: Make sure the primary user journey is smooth and intuitive.

Collect Feedback Mechanisms: Include ways for users to easily provide feedback, such as a simple form or a "contact us" button.

Leveraging No-Code Tools for Your MVP

No-Code tools are game-changers in MVP development. These tools allow you to build functional prototypes quickly, without extensive coding. Some popular no-code platforms are:

Bubble: For web applications

Adalo: For mobile apps

Webflow: For responsive websites

Airtable: For database management

Using these tools will reduce your “time-to-market” – allowing you to start collecting valuable user feedback sooner.

The same way Devswall helps you make & manage your portfolio so you can stand out in the job market quickly!

Measuring MVP Success

How do you know if your MVP is successful? Here are some key metrics to track:

User Engagement: Are people using your product? How often?

Retention: Do users come back after their first experience?

Feedback Quality: Are users providing detailed, actionable feedback?

Problem Resolution: Does your MVP solve the core problem for your target users?

Remember, at this stage, qualitative feedback can be just as valuable as quantitative metrics.

Iterating Your MVP

After the launch, once you start collecting the feedback, it's time to iterate. This process involves:

  • Analyzing user feedback and behavior
  • Prioritizing changes and new features
  • Implementing improvements
  • Re-testing with users

This cycle continues until you achieve a market fit product.

Common MVP Pitfalls to Avoid

On your MVP journey, be aware of these common mistakes:

Feature Creep: Resist the urge of "just one more feature" before launch.

Perfectionism: Don't let the pursuit of perfection cost you your money, time and the product.

Ignoring User Feedback: Not just listen but understand your users, even if their feedback contradicts or hurts you.

Scaling Too Early: Focus on feedback from your early adopters and iterate before trying to expand your user base.

Conclusion: Embrace the MVP Mindset

Alright, so hopefully you don't need any more convincing. You understand that the simplest and easiest path and the smartest and most Jedi path is to build and launch your product and then iterate it. So I wish you all a lot of good luck. While you're building, remember one thing: it's far better to have 100 people love your product than 100,000 who kind of like it. So when you're releasing that MVP, it's totally okay to do things that don't scale and recruit those initial customers one at a time. If you care about those customers, I promise you they will talk to you, that you can work with them, and you can help them figure out how to solve their problems and, as a result, help figure out how to build a great product for them.

So, what are you waiting for? Start building, start learning, and let your MVP be the launchpad for your next big idea.