Weird Upwork Hacks That Actually Work


Are you struggling to make your mark on Upwork? Whether you're a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, the competitive landscape of this popular platform can be daunting. But fear not! We've uncovered some unconventional yet effective Upwork hacks that can give you the edge you need. Let's dive into these game-changing strategies that can help skyrocket your freelance career.

1. The One-and-Done Approach

When you're new to Upwork, it's tempting to shoot for the stars and apply for long-term, high-paying projects. But here's a counterintuitive hack: focus on quick, one-off jobs instead. Why? Because these short-term gigs are your fast track to building a solid profile.

Think about it - long-term projects might look impressive, but they won't help you rack up those crucial early reviews. Clients often wait until the end of a project to leave feedback, which could leave your profile looking barren for months. Instead, target jobs you can complete quickly, like:

  • Testing apps and providing feedback
  • Short video editing tasks
  • Quick social media posts

These jobs might not pay the big bucks, but they'll help you accumulate reviews faster. Remember, one glowing review is infinitely better than no reviews at all. Once you've built up your profile with a handful of positive feedback, you'll be in a much stronger position to land those juicier, long-term contracts.


2. The Early Bird Gets the Worm (Art of Timely Applications)

Here's a hard truth: applying to jobs that are days old is often a waste of time. By then, the client has likely already found their ideal freelancer or abandoned the project altogether. So, how do you stay ahead of the curve? Enter the power of notifications.

Set up a system to get alerted the moment relevant jobs are posted. Here's how:

1. Use Upwork's search function to find your niche (e.g., "social media marketing")

2. Save your search parameters

3. Head over to Zapier and create a new zap

4. Use the RSS by Zapier feature

5. Connect it to your saved Upwork search

6. Set it up to send you an email for each new job posting

This way, you'll be among the first to know when a potential client needs your skills. Being early to apply significantly increases your chances of landing the gig.

3. The Refund Loophole – Last Resort for Bad Reviews

Now, this hack comes with a big caveat: use it sparingly and only as a last resort. If you find yourself stuck with a client who's about to leave a scathing review, there's a nuclear option - issuing a full refund.

Here's the deal: when you refund a client in full, the job and its associated feedback vanish from your public profile. It's like it never happened. But beware - while the visible review disappears, the private feedback still affects your Job Success Score (JSS).

Is it worth it? That depends on your situation. If maintaining a spotless public profile is crucial for your niche, and you can afford to take the financial hit, it might be. But in most cases, it's better to focus on providing top-notch service and addressing client concerns proactively.

4. The Clarification Gambit: Boosting Your Proposal Without “Boosting”

Crafting the perfect proposal is an art, but here's a little trick to make yours stand out: ask a clarifying question. When you're writing your cover letter, include a thoughtful query about the job description. For example

"I noticed you mentioned working with one or two individuals. Could you clarify if there will be a separate graphic designer I'd be collaborating with?"

This approach serves multiple purposes:

  • It shows you've read the job description thoroughly
  • It demonstrates your attention to detail
  • It gives the client a reason to respond, opening a dialogue

Remember, getting that initial response is half the battle. Once a client replies, you've got your foot in the door to showcase your skills and land that project.

5. The Bring Your Own Client (BYOC) Hack

Got experience outside of Upwork but need to beef up your profile? The BYOC program might be your secret weapon. This feature allows you to bring existing clients onto the platform, complete with a 0% service fee incentive.

To use this hack:

1. Reach out to past clients you've worked with outside Upwork

2. Ask if they'd be willing to create an Upwork account and hire you for a project

3. Use your unique BYOC link when inviting them to the platform

This strategy can help you quickly build up your Upwork profile with legitimate, high-quality reviews from real clients. It's particularly useful if you're new to Upwork but not new to freelancing.

Note: Upwork recently updated policies of BYOC so please refer to their updated fees and see if it’s still completely free because you never know!

6. The Interview Flip: Turning Sales Calls into Client Conversations

Sales calls can be nerve-wracking, especially for new freelancers. Here's a psychological trick to make them easier: focus on interviewing the client instead of selling yourself.

Prepare a list of thoughtful questions about their business, goals, and project needs. For instance:

  • "Can you tell me more about your business and its core values?"
  • "What specific challenges are you hoping to address with this project?"
  • "How do you envision success for this endeavor?"

By encouraging the client to do most of the talking, you accomplish several things:

  • You ease your own nerves by shifting the spotlight
  • You gather valuable information to tailor your services
  • You demonstrate genuine interest in the client's needs

Plus, people love talking about themselves and their businesses. By giving them that opportunity, you're more likely to leave a positive impression.

The Portfolio Power Play

While these Upwork hacks can give you a significant edge, there's one tool in your freelance arsenal that's absolutely essential: a stellar portfolio. A well-crafted portfolio can be the difference between landing clients and watching opportunities slip away. In fact, freelancers with comprehensive, visually appealing portfolios report up to 60% higher conversion rates on their proposals.

Why is a portfolio so powerful? It's simple:

  1. Showcases Skills: A portfolio is proof of your skills; it adds credibility to your abilities.
  2. Sets You Apart: In a sea of text-based proposals, a link to a sleek portfolio makes you standout.
  3. Saves Time: Instead of writing lengthy explanations i.e. “TLDR” about your work, you can simply direct clients to relevant portfolio pieces.
  4. Builds Trust: A professional portfolio signals that you take your work seriously, increasing client trust.

But creating a portfolio that truly wows clients can be challenging, especially if you're not design-savvy. This is where Devswall comes in handy. Devswall is a no-code portfolio maker specifically designed for developers, freelancers, business developers, and technologists. It allows you to create a live, interactive portfolio that truly showcases your skills and projects.

With Devswall, you can:

  • Easily display your projects in a visually appealing format
  • Showcase live demos of your work
  • Customize your portfolio to reflect your personal brand
  • Update your portfolio quickly as you complete new projects

By leveraging Devswall to create a standout portfolio, you're not just ticking a box – you're creating a powerful asset that can dramatically increase your chances of winning clients on Upwork and beyond.


Conclusion: Hacking Your Way to Upwork Success

While these hacks can give you an edge, remember that sustainable success on Upwork comes from delivering quality work, maintaining professionalism, and continuously improving your skills. Use these tricks as tools in your freelance toolkit, but always prioritize providing value to your clients.

Remember, the freelance journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, persistent, and always be learning. With these Upwork hacks in your arsenal and a commitment to excellence, you're well on your way to building a thriving freelance career.

So, which of these hacks will you try first? Whether you're focusing on quick jobs to build your profile or setting up custom job alerts, take action today to start seeing results. Your next big opportunity on Upwork could be just around the corner!